Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents an important evolution in computer science and data processing that is rapidly transforming a vast array of industries.  Artificial intelligence gives companies a way to extract value from the data they collect, provide business insights, automate tasks, and improve system performance.  AI can transform all aspects of a business by helping to achieve measurable results.

AI and Fraud Detection

Fraud detection is a great application for artificial intelligence (AI) and has a track record of success in areas such as banking and insurance. The use of AI to detect fraud has helped businesses improve internal security and facilitate corporate operations. Artificial intelligence has therefore emerged as an important tool to avoid financial crime due to its increased efficiency. When fraud is suspected, AI models can be used to deny transactions altogether or to flag them for further investigation, as well as to rate the likelihood of fraud, allowing investigators to focus their efforts on the most promising examples. 

At Cyberimo, our AI ​​model also offers reason codes for flagging transactions. This is because the codes instruct the investigator where they will help to find errors and speed up the investigation.

AI Can Improve Customer Experience

Customer Experience (CX) is the new competitive battlefield.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most powerful weapons on that battlefield.  AI can enhance the customer experience and meet the needs of modern consumers.

At Cyberimo, our AI ​​model gives the ability to strengthen customer engagement, encourage brand loyalty and improve retention. Also enables the integration of other technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language comprehension to break down communication barriers and automate customer interactions and recommend products based on conversational chatbots and customer behavior data.

Price Optimization with AI

In the case of retailers, artificial intelligence is the most effective, efficient and advanced way to entice customers by unlocking data to support pricing and business goals.

At Cyberimo, Our AI model influences retailers' needs to efficiently and accurately analyze potential options and the entire space of results to achieve the desired results through huge amounts of data.

Healthcare with AI

At Cyberimo, our AI applications can provide personalized drugs and X-ray readings. Also, our   Personal health care assistants can act as life trainers, reminding you to take your pills, exercise, or eat healthily.


At Cyberimo, our AI applications offer virtual shopping capabilities that offer personalized recommendations and discuss purchase options with shoppers.  Stock management and site layout technology can also be improved through our AI applications.


At Cyberimo, our AI factory can analyze IoT data as it flows from connected equipment to predict demand using expected loads and repetitive networks and creates a specific type of deep learning network that is used with sequence data.


At Cyberimo, our AI application enhances the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of human endeavors.  In financial institutions, our AI strategies can be used to detect which transactions are likely to be fraudulent, to obtain quick and accurate credit scoring, as well as to automate manual data management tasks.

Voice recognition

Most people know that they need to call Siri or set their smart home Alexa a timer when they need directions. This technology is a form of artificial intelligence. Our AI application helps Siri, Alexa, and other voice recognition devices learn about you and your preferences and learn how to help you.

Self-driving cars 

Our AI application and Visual Recognition are used in autonomous vehicles to enable the vehicle to understand its surroundings and respond accordingly.  As a result, facial recognition and biometric systems help self-driving cars identify people and keep them safe.  These cars can learn and adapt to traffic patterns, signs, and more.